United Security Products

Proven Performance Since 1970
Made in America


4 Separate voice message alarm zones Calls up to 8 telephones, cell phones or pagers.
Built-In Line Seizure.
Remote Turn Off feature allows termination of activated channel.
EEPROM Memory retains program despite power loss.
Listen-In verification & communication
Universal Dial Tone.
Built-In Auxiliary Output to drive external siren, strobe or relay. Download Support Materials Here

AVD-2010 PKG
Automatic - Notification
AC Power Loss, AC Power Restored, -
4 Separate Outgoing Inputs/Messages
Automatically Calls Up to 8 telephones, cell phones, etc.
Listen-In verification & communication
EEPROM Memory retains program despite power loss

4 Separate Outgoing Inputs/Messages
Automatically Calls Up to 8 telephones, cell phones, etc.
Can work on landline – Instantly switches to cellular if landline is cut
Built-in Line Seizure
Includes Cell Phone and $100 prepaid service – No Contracts and No Monthly Fee
AT&T / Verizon Compatible - Operates with Most Cellular Providers Worldwide
EEPROM memory - Bluetooth Capability
Metal Cabinet with Cam Lock included
Models Available with Multiple Blue tooth Outputs for Multiple Back-Up Cell Phones.
Available in all CVD configurations:
CVD-2000 - your cell phone and service

CVD-2010 - your cell phone and service
Automatic AC Power Loss, AC Power Restored, Low Battery notification
Power Condition Voice Message in Any Language
Automatic Power Loss Notification – Instant or 15-Minute Delayed
4 Separate Outgoing Inputs/Messages
Automatically Calls Up to 8 telephones, cell phones, etc.
Can work on landline – Instantly switches to cellular if landline is cut
Built-in Line Seizure
AT&T / Verizon Compatible - Operates with Most Cellular Providers Worldwide
EEPROM memory - Bluetooth Capability
Metal Cabinet with Cam Lock included
Models Available with Multiple Blue tooth Outputs for Multiple Back-Up Cell Phones.
Download Support Materials Here

4 Separate Outgoing Inputs/Messages
Automatically Calls Up to 8 telephones, cell phones, etc.
Can work on landline – Instantly switches to cellular if landline is cut
Built-in Line Seizure
AT&T / Verizon Compatible - Operates with Most Cellular Providers Worldwide
EEPROM memory - Bluetooth Capability
Weatherproof NEMA cabinet
Models Available with Multiple Blue tooth Outputs for Multiple Back-Up Cell Phones.
Available in all CVD configurations:
CVD-2020 - your cell phone and service

Automatic AC Power Loss, AC Power Restored, Low Battery Notification
AT&T / Verizon Compatible - Operates with Most Cellular Providers Worldwide – Bluetooth Capability
Model PS Includes $100 one year prepaid Cellular Service – No Contracts and No Monthly Fee
Power Condition Voice Message in Any Language plus Up to 4 Voice Messages
Automatic Power Loss Notification – Instant or 15-Minute Delayed
4 Separate Voice Dialer Channels/Zones
Automatically Calls Up to 8 telephones, cell phones, etc.
Can work on landline – Instantly switches to cellular if landline is cut
Built-in Line Seizure
Weatherproof NEMA cabinet
EEPROM Memory retains programming if power is lost
Models Available with Multiple Blue tooth Outputs for Multiple Back-Up Cell Phones.
Available in all CVD configurations:
CVD-2025 - your cell phone and service